Friday 7 September 2007

Day 6

This was a bittersweet day. At breakfast I heard that Luciano Pavarotti had died. Although I'm not a great opera-lover, I do recognise that Pavarotti probably did more than any other singer to bring opera to the people.

I heard one story told that he had performed in Sheffield, but his voice was not good as he had been ill. He apologised to the audience, and told them that he would come back and sing for them when he was better, and that their tickets would be valid. He did return and true to his word all tickets were accepted for the performance.

Then I had lunch at Frankie and Benny's with my friend - a musician - who was celebrating her 50th birthday. The meal was disgustingly crammed with carbohydrates and fats and simply delicious! We both chose the East-Coast sundae for dessert. These consist of toffee and chocolate ice-cream, chocolate sauce, chocolate pieces, chocolate malt balls and mini marshmallows ... but we did choose low calorie/low carbohydrate drinks ...

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